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Children not in school....ever!


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Our Mission


                             Daily life experiences and consciousness in Cambodia is not easy. Poverty, prostitution and people exploitation are the way of life to most Cambodians.

Corruption is acknowledged in all strata of Cambodian life. It is witnessed from the remote hamlets in the provinces to the city center of Phnom Penh. Everywhere there is wealth for the very few. Wealth is not with the teachers here. Even the best teachers make barely $20.00 US dollars a month.

 Our mission is to minimize the two generations of children without education and maximize the effort to bring even the simplest learnings to the local level with schools and engaging teachers.

 Another mission is to meet the needs of the thousands of young women who prefer not to join the ranks of local karaoke bars, massage parlors and brothels and provide an avenue of escape that prevents them from becoming the best they can be.

 Our mission is two-fold: Provide them with a salary   more than they can make in the sex trade sector and also provide  housing  for them with communal living with their peers. They, in turn, will provide weekly child and/or hospital care to local orphanages and hospitals as a form of real life experiences. They will also commit themselves to an English or academic program in their own language.


                                Why Cambodia-Aid needs your help

 Some children, the lucky ones, attend half-day sessions. Most children in the rural areas of Cambodia do not attend school at all. The money for the schools and the teachers is not there. There is a way to get funds to the local level to insure that local schools in the remote provinces have the money and teachers to put these children into school on a daily basis. Our mission is to insure that this will happen without funds trickling down to some obscure, local and not so notable politician who may use the monies for personal benefit.


What can I do?

Cambodia is an enigma filled with compromises.  The rich are rich and rarely visible. The poor are more numerous and very visible. corruption and ignorance drain the human resources of a nation where the average age is twenty-five and  half the population is under 25.

The literacy rate of Cambodia is at a sad and embarrassing level of below 50% and it is even worse for the women. It is one of the lowest in the world as the Khmer Rouge did its best to rid the culture of the educated and intellectuals. Gone were the schools.

There are not enough schools and teachers can’t earn enough money to survive. Therefore the concept of an adequate education becomes nothing but a dream.

What do children do all day? They wander streets, they explore their environment without explanation, rummage for knowledge that is beyond their grasp and become another generation with no awareness, no marketable skills and continue with the, “what can I do?” mentality.

You can help support this project by providing financial assistance that will build schools, provide supplies and hire teachers at a living wage. Local projects will receive these funds rather than the funds ending up in the Cambodian administrative quagmire. 

Funding will enter an account that will be administered and tailored to meet the needs of specific provincial schools and communities where proper and adequate government funding has disappeared.  

Children deserve a better life than just becoming another generation that will not have the necessary schooling to compete in a world focusing on education. They need to be cared about and cared for.   

Please contact for further information:  clarkdesu@hotmail.com



Contact Information

517-304-7257 (Michigan)
(66) 089-007-7175 (Bangkok)
(66) 089-171-1606 (Bangkok)

Postal address

7762 North Point Drive, Port Hope, Michigan, 48468 U.S.A.

Electronic mail

General Information:                                      clarkdesu@hotmail.com
Head of Mission Cambodia-Aid:                clarkdesu@hotmail.com